Auckland KnowledgeNet: Privacy Act 2020

Simpson Grierson Level 28, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand

The new Privacy Act will come into force on 1 December 2020. The Act repeals and replaces the Privacy Act 1993, strengthening privacy protections for individuals and introducing new obligations for agencies that collect personal information.

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Fortnightly DINZ virtual coffee

Videoconference , New Zealand

An informal ‘meetup’ to connect, share stories and spark discussion. These will be a regular Tuesday fortnightly morning event - feel free to register for the series and join each session as you are able.

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2021 NZ Cyber Security Summit

Te Papa Tongarewa 55 Cable Street, Wellington, New Zealand

As we operate within an increasingly digital environment, businesses, governments and societies are coming under a growing number of threats from cyber-attacks. Organisations are needing to bring cyber-security to the forefront of their digital strategy to ensure they are operating at their peak and to protect both customers and staff. Delegates will hear from subject … Continue reading "2021 NZ Cyber Security Summit"

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