NZTE FinTech Accelerate – Setting up, attracting top talent & growing in Singapore


Setting up in Singapore and the latest trends in the competitive local tech hiring landscape. 10am-11am SGT (3pm-4pm NZT). New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is delighted to invite you to join the NZTE FinTech Accelerate Webinar Series 2020, an exclusive NZTE virtual event designed to provide Kiwi businesses with the knowledge to succeed in Singapore’s FinTech … Continue reading "NZTE FinTech Accelerate – Setting up, attracting top talent & growing in Singapore"

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Auckland KnowledgeNet: Privacy Act 2020

Simpson Grierson Level 28, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand

The new Privacy Act will come into force on 1 December 2020. The Act repeals and replaces the Privacy Act 1993, strengthening privacy protections for individuals and introducing new obligations for agencies that collect personal information.

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Fortnightly DINZ virtual coffee

Videoconference , New Zealand

An informal ‘meetup’ to connect, share stories and spark discussion. These will be a regular Tuesday fortnightly morning event - feel free to register for the series and join each session as you are able.

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2021 NZ Cyber Security Summit

Te Papa Tongarewa 55 Cable Street, Wellington, New Zealand

As we operate within an increasingly digital environment, businesses, governments and societies are coming under a growing number of threats from cyber-attacks. Organisations are needing to bring cyber-security to the forefront of their digital strategy to ensure they are operating at their peak and to protect both customers and staff. Delegates will hear from subject … Continue reading "2021 NZ Cyber Security Summit"

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