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Nov 02
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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Verified ID | Microsoft’s identity capabilities

Microsoft is excited to have a genuine industry leader in digital identity coming to New Zealand, and has partnered with DINZ to offer a special one hour online session.

We welcome you and your colleagues to hear Brandon speak to Microsoft’s all up strategy and roadmap for Microsoft Entra, give an overview of Microsoft Entra Verified ID, and discuss questions of interest to DINZ members, which you may like to signal in advance. 

Brandon is very familiar with the digital identity landscape in New Zealand, having made regular visits to meet with NZ policy-makers and Microsoft identity customers and partners since 2017.  Microsoft is very pleased that, following a hiatus due to COVID-19 restrictions, Brandon is able to return to New Zealand once again.

We will also hear from Russell Craig, National Technology Officer (CTO) at Microsoft NZ and the meeting will be facilitated by Colin Wallis, DINZ Executive Director.

Event Details:

Date: 02 Nov 2022
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Online Webinar
Event Type: Virtual
Cost: Free 

Please note this is a Digital Identity and Tech Alliance member event only.

Supported By:


Brandon MurdochPartner Director of Engineering in Microsoft’s Identity and Network Access Division.
Brandon leads the Microsoft engineering teams that created AAD B2C and, more recently, Entra Verified ID. He also plays a significant role in the ongoing engineering of AAD – especially regarding service resilience.

Russell Craig | National Technology Officer (CTO) at Microsoft NZ

Meeting facilitated by Colin Wallis | Digital Identity Executive Director